
April 26, 2023

Kelp Forests Absorb 5 Million Tons of Carbon Dioxide Every Year

What's the value of seaweed? A new study published in Nature Communications suggest the value of the sea plant goes far beyond sushi. Researchers valued kelp forests, forests of large brown algae, at about $465 billion and $562 billion per year worldwide due to their positive impact on commercial fisheries and the environment. This flora also absorbs 4.5 million tonnes (4.96 tons) of carbon dioxide annually, rather like forests on land.

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April 12, 2023

Ocean Cleanup Has Removed Over 220 Tons of Plastic Out of the Pacific Ocean

One non-profit organization is making progress toward its goal of ridding the oceans of plastic by 2040. With its latest haul from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP), The Ocean Cleanup has now removed over 220 tons (200,000 kg) of trash from the sea. It's a stunning achievement that should be applauded, particularly when one realizes that the entire project began thanks to a simple idea by a teenager.

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March 21, 2023

Earth’s Temperature Is Rising More Rapidly Than Expected According to Experts

The window of opportunity to save our planet from a climate crisis is closing quickly. According to a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), governments need to curb their use of fossil fuels immediately or Earth will pass a critical global warming threshold even sooner than we thought. In a comprehensive study published on Monday, the IPCC declared that global temperatures will rise 1.

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March 2, 2023

Mystery of Garfield Phones Washing Up on a French Beach for 30 Years Is Finally Solved

For 30 years, residents of a seaside town in France have watched as one peculiar item continued to wash ashore. Bright orange pieces of plastic were constantly littering the beach, and these weren't any ordinary pieces of plastic, they were remnants of Garfield phones. This grumpy cat exploded in popularity in the 1980s thanks to cartoonist Jim Davis' comic strip, and these phones were manufactured in large quantities during that time.

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